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Here you find links to the late great Paul Ponnudorai's album "Right On Time".

From the liner notes: A virtuoso guitarist and a superb, inspired singer, Paul Ponnudorai defies musical boundaries with disarming easiness. He is one of a handful of musicians around the world who rather than just playing music, can afford to play with music. In fact, this album is an exceptional document of his ability and audacity in first dismantling, and then restructuring and reshaping songs, to make them sound unlike anything you have heard before. Right On Time is highly recommended not only to guitar enthusiasts and audiophiles, but to anyone who has a taste for soulful music, for funky grooves, and for beautiful, timeless songs.

"A man who is quite possibly the greatest musical interpreter of our time performs every weekend at Harry's—an ordinary bar in a Singaporean shopping mall. There, before a half-empty room, while soccer matches are screened and waitresses ferry beer and fries, Paul Ponnudorai sings with astounding virtuosity, accompanied only by his Spanish guitar. His voice swoops and growls with the range and soulfulness of mid-period Stevie Wonder, and his fluid, polyrhythmic style of guitar playing appears to have little precedent. But it is his choice of material, and the inventiveness with which he arranges it, that cloaks Ponnudorai in the aura of genius."

Liam Fitzpatrick, TIME Magazine

Read the full article here: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1619102,00.html